It's been a while since the last time I updated my accounts. I've been busy in school stuffs that I didn't even had the time for myself :( . Anyway, my stories are not yet finish and I'm hoping that I'll finish it before the year ends again (SIGH). I noticed that I got a new follower and I'm so thankful that you are following this blog. Thanks so much and I really appreciate it! :D Nice meeting you sis! :)
Hmm... I'll just share what I wrote out of boredom again haha...and I know that it sounds so cheesy but hey, I'm just a human and nobody's perfect. I just jot down what were my thoughts at that time. haha...sorry for the wrong grammar, I think haha... here goes..
I wish you were here
Beside me,
Beside my every existence,
My every move,
My every step,
Please love me back
You're so close yet so far away...
I wish my existence will be worthy
When you've glance on my way
Just a little glance,
I swear,
I'll melt.
Even just for a while
Can you glance at me?
Talk to me,
Laugh with me,
Share your stories with me,
I swear,
I'll be the happiest girl in the whole world.
I hate it when you avoid me
I feel rotten
Like a trash that there's nobody wants
Why? Am I not worthy for your attention?
Why can't you just give me a chance?
It's only one chance that's all I ever wanted
But you chose not to see me
You've been looking to the other side
Wherein I'm a nobody
Just a shadow,
A part of the surroundings.
Thank you for letting me see you from afar...
From your existence...
That's it! This is one of the things that I wrote...More will be coming up hahaha...since I have one more week to go before a new semester will starts...:)
Hmm... I'll just share what I wrote out of boredom again haha...and I know that it sounds so cheesy but hey, I'm just a human and nobody's perfect. I just jot down what were my thoughts at that time. haha...sorry for the wrong grammar, I think haha... here goes..
I wish you were here
Beside me,
Beside my every existence,
My every move,
My every step,
Please love me back
You're so close yet so far away...
I wish my existence will be worthy
When you've glance on my way
Just a little glance,
I swear,
I'll melt.
Even just for a while
Can you glance at me?
Talk to me,
Laugh with me,
Share your stories with me,
I swear,
I'll be the happiest girl in the whole world.
I hate it when you avoid me
I feel rotten
Like a trash that there's nobody wants
Why? Am I not worthy for your attention?
Why can't you just give me a chance?
It's only one chance that's all I ever wanted
But you chose not to see me
You've been looking to the other side
Wherein I'm a nobody
Just a shadow,
A part of the surroundings.
Thank you for letting me see you from afar...
From your existence...
That's it! This is one of the things that I wrote...More will be coming up hahaha...since I have one more week to go before a new semester will starts...:)